Health & Stamina

Don't skip leg day.

Health (HP)

Players start with maximum health (green bar). Health is depleted by enemy attacks or self damage. In addition to damage from firearms, explosives, and melee attacks, certain weapons inflict secondary debuffs, such as fire or bleeding.

There are no health pickups or other ways to recover your HP mid-life.


Stamina (purple bar) is used and depleted by different actions. To recover stamina, you must stop using it. Running and rolling both drain stamina.

Swinging melee weapons (machete, laser sword) will also drain your stamina. Running out of stamina does not effect your ability to fire or attack, but it will affect your ability to flee!

Pro Tip: When you're out of stamina, you will no longer be able to run or roll. This means no putting out flames or dodging attacks. Learning to conserve your stamina is one of the most effective skills!

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