How to make enemies and take over the world.
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How to make enemies and take over the world.
Last updated
There are three types of usable pickups players can acquire: Primary, Secondary, & Melee.
All pickups are automatic (no ‘pick up’ button) - just run through them.
When a pickup is out of ammo or depleted, it is dropped automatically
All pickups are randomized and are not dependent on match stats or history
There are no health or ammo pickups
Primary pickups are your main projectile weapons. They vary in range, accuracy, damage, and more.
If you already have a primary weapon, you must drop it before picking up a different one.
Reloading of all primary weapons is manual. When you're out of ammo, it drops automatically (you can change dropping to manual)
Secondary pickups can be either offensive, such as a grenade, or defensive, like a shield.
If you don’t have a secondary weapon and you pass through a pickup, you will automatically pick up and arm that weapon.
You must drop it or use it before picking up a different one. Once you have used all of a secondary, it will disappear automatically
Melee weapons are your first - and last - line of defense. For when you're too close for missiles.
All players start with a machete as their default melee weapon. This cannot be dropped.
Once your melee weapon is upgraded through a pickup, it must be dropped if you want to pick up another or go back to the default machete
For a detailed breakdown of all the pickups, see below.
Besides weapon and item pickups, players can pick up and deposit Megaweapon parts. Depositing a certain amount of these parts enables players to Summon a Megaweapon. More details can be found on that page.