
What's he building in there?

To assemble a Megaweapon, a player must acquire a certain amount of 'parts' and bring them to a deposit station.

Acquiring Pieces

Megaweapon parts may appear on the map two ways:

  1. Killing any player may randomly generate a Megaweapon part where they die.

  2. Killing a player that is holding parts, causing them to drop.

In either scenario, the Megaweapon parts may be picked up by anyone, not just the player who caused them to drop.

Once a player has picked up one or more parts, it will be displayed over their character for all other players to see.

Assembling a Megaweapon

Megaweapons are assembled by depositing all the required parts in the designated deposit zones. Players can deposit as many parts as they want at once in the deposit circle. If multiple parts are being deposited, the deposit time speeds up after each part is complete.

Players do not need to deposit all the parts at once. If a player deposits less than the full amount, the parts are removed from the map and will not be dropped if the player is killed.

The amount of parts required depends on the Play Mode. Once you deposit enough parts for a Megaweapon, it will be assembled and activated immediately.

The next section describes the available Megaweapons in detail.

Last updated